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Independence DSO > News > Dental Plans Support > 4 Ways Dental Plans Support Gives Your Practice Independence

4 Ways Dental Plans Support Gives Your Practice Independence

dental plans support independence dental dso

Celebrating your freedom anytime of year is a great idea, but it’s especially poignant to consider the many options your dental practice has for independence beginning on July Fourth, especially when it comes to dental plans support. Outsourcing tasks to a dedicated partner may seem excessive, but this move can actually increase revenue and help you attract more patients.

1. Manage Third Party Plan Negotiations

Aligning with a dental service organization (DSO) allows dental practices to help their patients afford the dentistry they need through third party payment plans. Outsourcing this task, even through bookkeeping support, lets someone else do the difficult work of:

  • Identifying the best third-party payment plans for your practice
  • Getting the rates you want through PPO negotiations
  • Achieving the most beneficial rates for patients

When existing and potential patients see that you offer choices, your practice becomes a more attractive provider. The DSO relationship keeps your fees reasonable and expands the payment options you take.

2. Outsource Credentialing

Credentialing is a labor-intensive, detailed, arduous process. It’s a task for which your dental practice needs a dedicated professional. Assigning this job to someone on your team who already has a full list of responsibilities means things are more likely to fall through the cracks. If you skip credentialing, you aren’t in-network with many insurance companies, and potential patients are less drawn to your practice.

Your DSO identifies a dedicated resource who makes it possible to outsource the tedious but critical credentialing so you can attract more patients and grow your practice. Credentialing for just one PPO is estimated to take over 40 hours – but if you outsource this task the insurance credentialing you apply for will be optimized.

3. Get a Handle on Dental Coding

Dental coding is a specialized field separate from medical coding. Knowing the ins and outs of this type of coding is a necessity for your practice to ensure claims are properly submitted. From dental procedures to oral health care to any type of advanced dentistry, dental coding requires specific knowledge of CDT codes. With DSO support, procedural codes are properly managed for every dental procedure so billing works out right for your patient and your practice.

4. Take Advantage of Fee Assessment

It’s fair for you to charge patients based on your experience and location – in fact, geographic location is a major element when it comes to fees. What’s essential is to undergo a fee assessment to make sure your rates are competitive with neighboring dental practices, and your DSO can help make that happen.

Not only will your fees for services and procedures be accurate, you’ll be better able to keep up with rising costs for supplies and personnel. Fee assessments are a professional service and they’re carried out prior to PPO negotiations so you know the best way to give your unique patients the dental care they need and want.

Align with a DSO

DSOs are part of the dental industry’s present and future. The office services Independence Dental DSO offers delivers value and benefits to your dental practice, making you a more satisfied dental professional and making your clients feel great about going to your practice. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and find out what dental plans support is right for you.