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Independence DSO > News > Benefits > Identifying Benefits for Your Dental Team? Get DSO Support

Identifying Benefits for Your Dental Team? Get DSO Support

employee benefits independence dental dso

It’s a smart idea for every dental practice to build a robust benefits program for all their employees, from hygienists to front desk staff to dental assistants. Dental teams are in danger of high turnover if the environment isn’t right or compensation is limited. It is possible to adopt affordable benefits that suit your employees and represent your office environment.

Make Employees Feel Valued

Sometimes, the most important thing you can do as an employer is make your employees feel valued. They need you, but you need them and their skills and presence more. By prioritizing benefits offerings, you show employees they are respected, valued, and worth the investment of your time and resources.

Where to begin with benefits? How to change what you already offer? The answers aren’t always easy, but working with a dental service organization allows you to step back and see what’s possible and what programs and perks will work best for your dental practice and the team you have already established or hope to grow.

Prioritize the Big Stuff

High-quality health insurance is one of the most critical benefits for every employee. It is, truly, a non-negotiable. What is it your team needs and wants most? Ask them. You’re likely to hear some of the following:

  • Affordable care for individuals and families
  • Health savings accounts (HSAs)
  • Flexible spending accounts (FSAs)
  • Mental health care
  • Wellness options like nutritionists and gym memberships

Employee satisfaction is a direct result of a good healthcare plan. By offering quality plans, you show your dental team that their well-being, and the safety of their loved ones, matters to you… that you are part of a special dental family.

Provide Plenty of Options

Optional healthcare benefits are great for employees because they don’t have to say yes to all coverage immediately, but they can take advantage of open season later should the need arise for extra healthcare for themselves or a family member, like:

  • Dental insurance: It makes sense for a dental practice to offer great dental insurance, right? Maybe you offer in-house discounts for cosmetic dentistry or Invisalign, treatments not always covered by insurance. Or, you provide access to a dental plan accepted at another practice for employees who prefer to manage oral healthcare outside of their workplace or pursue advanced dental care in which you do not specialize, like orthodontics.
  • Vision insurance: Comprehensive vision plans are available at different coverage levels and ideally are made available for employees to get annual eye exams and glasses or contact lenses as needed.
  • Retirement benefits: Hardworking employees deserve a comfortable retirement and some of the best ways to reward your team for their service is through robust retirement options like 401(k) plans or a Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE IRA).

Get the kind of benefits you need and want for your employees and minimize day-to-day financial responsibilities through support from Independence Dental DSO. We can guide you toward the best insurance package for your team that delivers maximum benefits at the most reasonable costs and co-pays. Contact us to discuss the needs and goals of your practice and find out how we can help.