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05 Jan
patient membership plans independence dental dso
5 Reasons to Implement a Dental Patient Membership Plan
Category: Marketing, News, Patient Membership ...
There are a whole lot of people out there who aren’t visiting your dental practice, and it’s mostly because they don’t have dental insurance and believe that dental care is unaffor...
20 Dec
dental marketing independence dental dso new year
New Year’s Resolutions for Dental Marketing
Category: Consultative Sales Training, Marketi...
Dental marketing is never static. There is always a new way to advertise, whether online or on paper. There are new ways to leverage social media, opportunities to upgrade your web...
08 Dec
patient financing independence dental dso
Prioritize Patient Financing in Your Dental Practice
Category: News, Patient Financing
Your dental patients want your office to be comfortable and your fees to be reasonable. They want to feel secure when they go to get a teeth cleaning, dental crown, or professional...
25 Nov
employee benefits independence dso
How to Give Your Dental Team Incredible Employee Benefits
Category: Benefits, News
Good benefits are an essential part of any compensation package. To give the employees at your dental office the best support you can, it helps to have your own support system. Whe...
10 Nov
case presentation coaching independence dental dso
Hear More “Yes” to Treatment with Case Presentation Coaching
Category: Case Presentation Coaching, Closing ...
You hire employees who are qualified to do their jobs in your dental office. There is some on-the-job training, but for the most part you want your talent to hit the ground running...
27 Oct
pediatric dentistry closing cases independence dental dso
4 Tips for Closing Cases in Pediatric Dentistry
Category: Closing Cases
In the unique world of pediatric dentistry, closing cases isn’t about convincing the patient – it’s about convincing the parent that the dental care you recommend is a good idea. Y...
05 Oct
patient financing independence dso
Use Halloween to Promote Patient Financing Options
Category: Closing Cases, News, Patient Financi...
October is an excellent month of the year to promote your dental practice. Between the start of fall and the lead-up to Halloween, there is plenty to talk about. Holiday tie-ins ar...
21 Sep
dental practice training independence dental dso
3 Reasons to Get DSO Support for Dental Practice Training
Category: Consultative Sales Training, Learnin...
Providing adequate training is one of the biggest keys to employee retention in a dental office. Sure, your staff also need a good working environment, kind coworkers, and interest...
07 Sep
consultative sales training closing cases independence dental dso
Rely on Consultative Sales Training for Closing Cases
Category: Closing Cases, Consultative Sales Tr...
Sometimes, a dentist’s job is about persuasion. You might believe you shouldn’t have to convince a patient to get dental work that’s for their own good, but sometimes you do. And s...
26 Aug
learning management system independence dental dso
Why Your Dental Practice Will Benefit from a Learning Management System
Category: Learning Management System, News
Want your dental team to learn about a new technology? Want your front desk staff to get up to date on a certain software? Need to train a new employee? A learning management syste...